Sleep Knowledge


The Science of Sleep
The Science of Insomnia
Snoring and Sleep Apnea
The Science of Relaxation
The Physiology of Stretching
The Physiology of Inversions
The Neurophysiology of Breathing
Sleeping Well as We Grow Older
How the Body Breathes
How Sleep Affects Memory
About Roger J. Cole, Ph.D.

The Physiology of Inversions
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Do head-down poses like Headstand, Shoulderstand and Downward Facing Dog really increase blood flow to your brain? No, but when you turn upside-down, your physiology does change dramatically. Your blood pressure, heart beat, circulation, breathing, hormones, and brain activity are all affected. This class will teach you what happens, how it works, what good it does, what to avoid, and how to use this knowledge to get the most out of your practice of both head-up and head-down yoga postures.