Sleep Knowledge


The Science of Sleep
The Science of Insomnia
Snoring and Sleep Apnea
The Science of Relaxation
The Physiology of Stretching
The Physiology of Inversions
The Neurophysiology of Breathing
Sleeping Well as We Grow Older
How the Body Breathes
How Sleep Affects Memory
About Roger J. Cole, Ph.D.

How Sleep Affects Memory
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Our ability to remember things does much more than simply allow us to function effectively in the world, it helps define who we are as people. Good memory is intimately tied to good sleep. During sleep, our brain processes temporary mental traces of our daily experiences, replaying nerve patterns that occurred during the day, organizing concepts, and storing information for later recall. With insufficient sleep, much of what we learn is lost, and it's likely that some of the memory impairments associated with aging may result from poor sleep. This audio archive will introduce you to the fascinating world of memory and sleep, including:

-the basics of how memory works
-what causes memory loss
-how various stages of sleep may enhance different types of memory, and
-suggestions on how to improve the quality and timing of sleep to maintain and possibly improve memory.